Marx and Marxism
Since 2007, the main activity developed by NIEP-Marx is the annual event Marx and Marxism. Until 2010, Marx and Marxism was a thematic and fee-free course, functioning then as an extension activity. In 2011, we adopted two different formats, which would alternate in the following years. In odd years, the event has a colloquium format and, in even years, it resumes its original format.
Previous editions - Marx and Marxism as a Colloquium
Marx and Marxism 2021. Exterminated Future? Ecological Crisis and Anti-Capitalist Reaction
The theme of the 2021 International Colloquium Marx and Marxism was “Exterminated Future? Ecological Crisis and Anti-Capitalist Reaction.” Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the event was organized entirely in a virtual format. The program was spread over two weeks and featured four plenary sessions, two workshops, and three sessions for paper presentations. As in previous years, the plenary sessions had a diverse group of speakers, including professors and researchers from various states in Brazil and other countries. The two workshops were on “Ecological Crisis” with Eduardo Sá Barreto from UFF/NIEP-Marx, and “Public Health and the Fight for SUS” with Bianca Antunes Cortes from Fiocruz/Joaquim Venâncio Polytechnic School of Health. The paper presentation sessions had a total of 18 tables, in which the 62 papers selected by the scientific committee were presented.
Marx and Marxism 2019. Marxism without taboos – Facing oppression
the 2019 edition had the following theme: Marxism without taboos – Facing oppression. Its extensive program included four plenary sessions, two short courses, and 174 papers discussed in 48 coordinated sessions. The plenary sessions had a diverse cast of professors and researchers from various states in Brazil and abroad. The short courses were: “Theory of social reproduction” with Tithi Bhattacharya (Purdue University, USA) and Cinzia Arruzza (New School for Social Research, USA); and “The working class: from Marx to our time” with Marcelo Badaró Mattos
Marx and Marxism 2017. from Capital to the October Revolution (1867-1917)
the International Colloquium Marx and Marxism 2017: from Capital to the October Revolution (1867-1917) celebrated the 150 years of the publication of the first edition of Marx’s Capital (Volume I) and 100 years of the October Revolution. The event registered around 482 researchers, and counted with 64 sessions with 231 papers. Once again, there were two short courses this year. The first one, by Dr. Miguel Vedda (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina), on “Aesthetics and revolution”, and the second on the “Petrograd Soviet in 1917”, by Dr. Kevin Murphy (University of Massachusetts, USA).
Marx and Marxism 2015. Insurrections, past and present
The international colloquium had about 430 subscribers, among listeners and participants of the 69 coordinated tables, with the presence of a public with a very diverse institutional base, spreading across practically all the states of the country (naturally with predominance in the Southeast region) and Latin America (in particular Argentina). In addition, two mini-courses were given during the event. Professors José Rodrigues and Kênia Miranda gave a mini-course on the theme “Education, class and class struggle” and Professor Marcello Musto, from the University of York (Canada), gave a mini-course on the theme “The history of editions of Marx’s writings and the recent textual acquisitions of MEGA2 [Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe] (Marx-Engels Complete Edition, 2nd version).
Marx and Marxism 2013. Marx today, 130 years later
Returning to the character of a colloquium, this time with an international scope, the event gathered around 400 people, including participants in the coordinated tables, listeners, lecturers and organizers, from different states of the country (in addition to Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná, São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Mato Grosso do Sul, Goiás, Ceará and Bahia) and abroad (United States, England, Argentina and Mexico). The event had 58 coordinated tables, in which 210 works were presented by 233 participants. In the list of participants who presented works, professors and doctoral students predominated, with a smaller participation of master’s students and 23 undergraduates.
Marx and Marxism 2011. Theory and practice
This year, Marx and Marxism was organized for the first time as a colloquium, with a national scope. The audience was very expressive. Adding up the participants in the coordinated tables, listeners, lecturers and organizers, more than 280 people attended the event, from different states of the country. The event had 54 coordinated tables, in which 190 works were presented by 178 participants. In the list of participants who presented works, professors and doctoral students predominated, with a smaller participation of master’s students, in addition to eight undergraduates.